Earth and it's study

Hello everyone!! Greetings of the day!

I haven't posted anything new since a few days , so apologies for that!

In my last post I covered the topic space , although it is still not complete , I will make another space post later..

So , as of this post we will be talking about our home planet Earth.

It is said that the scientists and researchers know much more about space rather than Earth! Sounds quite funny? 
Well in some aspects it is actually true!!

So without further delay let us begin..

We'll begin with the formation of the earth , when the solar system was formed nearly 4.5 billion years ago . The gravity between the gas and the dust particles pulled together to create our home planet ! The Earth has a central core , a rocky mantle , and a solid crust .

After the formation of earth the temperature on the surface of the earth was not at all suitable for living beings or any types of plants , the earth was a blazing sphere covered with burning lava.

Hundreds of thousands of years later the temperature on the surface cooled down a bit but the temperature of the core was still as high as the surface of the sun! and it continues to be the same!

However on the surface of the earth the temperature slowly became hospitable for many living organisms , first the unicellular organisms appeared in water!

Earth's global ocean , which covers nearly 70 percent of earth's surface has an average depth of about 2.5 miles which is approximately 4 kilometres and contains 97% of earth's water .

Earth's longest mountain range is also underwater at the bottom of the Artic and the Atlantic oceans , it is four times longer than the Andes, Rockies, and Himalayas combined!!

Earth's rapid rotation and molten , nickel - iron core gives rise to a magnetic field .
Also the solar wind which is a stream of charged particles continuously ejected from the sun , becomes trapped in earth's magnetic field they collide with air molecules above our planet's magnetic poles.
These air molecules then begin to glow and cause the northern and southern lights.

The magnetic field is what causes compass needles to point to the north pole regardless of which way you turn !!

From a distance of 150 million kilometres, earth is exactly one astronomical unit away from the sun because one astronomical unit is the distance from the sun to the earth .
This unit provides an easy way to quickly compare planets distances from the sun .

It takes about  eight minutes for light from the sun to reach our planet.

In the history of life on earth , biodiversity has gone through puctuated by mass extinctions over 99% of all species that ever lived on earth are extinct!!

Earth's rigid outer layer , the lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates , these plates are rigid segments that move relative to each other at one of three boundaries type:- 
At convergent boundaries two plates come together 
At divergent boundaries two plates are pulled apart 
And at transform boundaries two plates slide past one another laterally .

The seven major plates are the Pacific , North American , Eurasian, African , Antarctic,Indo- Australian and South American.
Other plates also include Caribbean plate and Nazea plate off the West coast of South America.

The Australian plate fused with the Indian plate between 50 - 55 Million years ago .
The fastest moving plates are the oceanic plates and the slowest moving plate is the Eurasian plate .

The highest point on our planet is the top of the Mount Everest reaching 29,029 feets!

The lowest point on our planet is in the Mariana trench in the Pacific sea named as challenger deep , which is approximately 36,200 feet deep from surface!

This was a short note covering up major of the earth's structure and element however the topic is nearly endless and still full of possibilities.

So that is the end of our post ..hope you liked it we'll meet soon next time , until then take care , bye.


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