Journey through space

Hello everyone!! Greetings of the day

Science is a subject which includes many different subfields and trust me , for a true science lover all the subfields are equally enticing , always remember exceptions are always there!!

One such subfield of science and one of my most liked topics is space exploration and writing about such a topic on my blog will give me and hopefully the reader immense joy

So without further delay let us begin ..

Space is a very interesting topic for a lot of people majorly due to its vastness and many mysterious bodies encapsulated in it .

Now we begin our journey from our home planet Earth to the edge of the universe ( observable universe to be specific) 

Well we are in hurry , since not much of us have enough time 

The fastest thing in the universe is light which has a numerical value of 299,792,458 meters per second or around 300,000 km per second!
That's pretty fast , but not on the scale of the universe .

So , imagine a space ship or any other space traveling vehicle since it's completely hypothetical , which has the speed equal to the speed of light .
Now we are all set to embark on a exciting journey

As we leave the Earth with the speed of light the next second we will arrive to the moon and the next second we would have left moon far behind !
That's pretty hard to even imagine at such an extreme speed , in about 3 minutes we will be able to see the mars , it's close to the amount of time taken to prepare Maggie!!

Later we will be crossing the Asteroid belt , full of space rocks acting as a protection barrier for Earth from many dangerous Asteroids and comets .

Later we will be able to see Jupiter in around 43 minutes into the journey , then Saturn in 1 hour and 19 minutes followed by Uranus in 2 hours and 39 minutes and Neptune in 4 hours and 9 minutes and finally we'll reach Pluto in approximately 4 hours and 36 minutes .

Well this brings us at the end of the solar system .. how quick!
In reality, NASA's voyager 1  a human made object took 36 years to reach this place!!

Speaking on a universal scale the distance travelled by us is not even 0.01 % compared to the distance from the Earth to the edge of the universe.

After the solar system we enter the intergalactic space which is spread over a tremendous distance going through it will take us well more than 1000 years !

But since it's a completely hypothetical scenario let's assume you have a pill which will let you live for as long as you desire or in other words will literally make you immortal now you don't have to worry about the time anymore!

After approximately 100000 years you will reach the end of our milky way galaxy , yes , the speed of light itself takes more than 100000 years just to cross our galaxy , imagine the time , a human made object will take ! 

As you leave the milky way you enter a completely different realm , a seemingly infinite distance covered by space holding as much as 2 trillion galaxies in our observable universe , you may even see the extragalactic planets which means the planets located out of our galaxy .

Now again you keep travelling a deep , dark space void for more than a million years gazing at the structures and sizes of other galaxies , we would pass numerous intergalactic groups i.e groups of galaxies , as you pass many local groups you would notice all the galaxies in groups connected appearing like a structure of a spider's web after many billions of years you will be able to see the cosmic web and finally after astonishing 46 billion years later will reach your destination , the edge of the observable universe , but don't be contented , I said the observable universe , it clearly means that there is much , but how much  we don't know as of now.

That's why science keeps exploring and researching ....and who knows one day we will come across a jaw dropping discovery !!

So that was it from this post ..hope you liked it we'll meet soon until then take care ..bye!


  1. Such a nice and useful information about space..good knowledge..keep it up..good going.

  2. Finding it too useful parth ..thanks alot for posting ....dont know much about space but this gives a better knowledge about our universe...thank uh!


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