Timeline of the basic inventions

Hello everyone!! greetings of the day ..

In the first blog we saw how the scientists from different time periods made many priceless contributions in their respective subfields of science and made the world a better place to live in .

Today we will be looking at some of the inventions which completely changed the lifestyle of people in that specific era .

So without further delay let us begin...

It is said that need is the mother of all inventions, which being true applies to almost all the inventions made till date .

Inventions in the ancient period were simple including cements , and various structures.
One such example include the great pyramid of 
Giza , which is also a part of the 7 wonders of the world due to its huge size , building materials , it's ancient timeline and for the preserved dead bodies in it also called mummies .

Although, the inventions which truly affected more of our lives were made in the late medievel and modern period..

The series of many life-changing inventions started after 1750s .

One of the first inventions of that period was newspapers ..yes the ones which we read in the mornings and sometimes in the evening 
( Although now the newspapers have been stopped due to the covid 19 crises , a condition which occurred after many decades ) 

So the newspapers were first invented in 1690 in the form of news sheets ..however in India it was introduced in 1780 under the name Hickey's Bengal Gazette by James Augustus Hickey ..
basically the newspapers was invented to inform the public about the political issues and various decisions made by the government ..later the news about entertainment and sports was also included. 

Invention made in the early 1800s include Railways 

A completely new medium of transportation ...
Train was invented in 1804 in the United Kingdom as to help carry passengers and cargo in a large amount in reasonable amount of time 

Later many small sized but important inventions were made such as the sewing machine in 1830 , Electric dynamo in 1831 and Electric telegraph in 1833 .

In the later half of the 19th century many useful inventions were made such as Bicycles in 1861 ,Dynamite in 1866 and typewriters in 1867 , telephone was invented in 1876 ..
Light bulbs were invented in 1879 ..and I don't think I should mention the name of the inventor!! 
The fan was invented in 1882 by Schuyler wheeler and the ceiling fan was invented in 1887 

The first automobile was invented in 1886 by Karl Benz 

Moving on in the 20th century :-

Many magnificent inventions were made in this century 

The start of the century was made by inventing many home helping appliances such as the Vaccum Cleaner in 1901 , The air conditioner and automated tea maker both invented in 1902 

Then came the invention which can be considered one of the most important inventions of the century .

The first powered flight which was invented in 1903 with a view of opening the doors for  a new medium of transportation which can carry people over very large distance in comparatively less amount of time ..

Windscreen wiper and silencers for gun along with the substance which cause a lot of problems in 21st century called plastic was invented in 1905 

Electric washing machine was invented in 1907 

Chocolate chips were invented in 1930 ..as for some food facts!! 

Although the automobile was invented in 19th century however it was made more accessible to the public and building an assembly line for automobile manufacturing was done by Henry Ford in 1920

Television was invented in 1927 by phylio taylor

The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage as an analytical engine between 1833 and 1871 

However the first modern fully functional computer was developed between 1936 and 1938

And now we come to our final invention and perhaps the most important of the 20th century :- 

The modern internet was made by ARPANET
Which stands for Advanced Research Project Agency Network ..founded by the  U.S department of defence with the view of connecting multiple computers on a single system 
However the internet was first introduced to the public in 1991 ..

Even after the internet many inventions were made to make research on a certain subject more accessible such as LIGO(Laser Interferometer gravitational wave Observatory) 

This hunt for more inventions will never stop to make human race more developed than before!!

Apologies for the size of the post

Thank you and we'll meet soon until then take care..bye!!


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